GUNS DRAWN: Campbell police officers practice a high-risk traffic stop during a 16-hour training course held over the weekend.
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CAMPBELL – On Nov. 2 and 3, Dan Gaylich, a field training officer with the Troy, Michigan, Police Department and Sgt. Jim Conrad of the Canfield Police Department joined the entire Campbell Police Department for a 16-hour training course for Strategies and Tactics of Patrol Stops (STOPS).
Campbell officers sharpened their skills while conducting both routine (low-risk) and dangerous (high-risk) traffic stops. All of the Campbell full-time officers took part in the mandated training program, along with select part-time employees.
Gaylich and Conrad coached the Campbell officers into practicing better and safer techniques during traffic stops.
Campbell’s officers trained for eight hours each day and conducted hundreds of simulated traffic stop scenarios.
Campbell officers practiced how they assessed and managed traffic stops for minor traffic violations, traffic stops in which the vehicle was involved in a felony offense, and traffic stops that involve the officer not knowing the threat level of the suspect vehicle.
Although all Campbell officers have had this training while attending a state police academy, the Campbell Police Department recently mandated that the course be repeated on a yearly basis as part of a new series of training that began in 2013.
At the conclusion of the course, each Campbell officer was required to pass a practical exam, which included every aspect of conducting a traffic stop, and a written exam, which included every legal and tactical principle that was included in the classroom portion of the course.