Youngstown: Agenda for June Board of Health Meeting
DISTRICT BOARD OF HEALTH MAHONING COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING June 27, 2012 8:00 A.M. Mahoning County District Board of Health 50 Westchester Drive Youngstown, Ohio 44515 TENTATIVE AGENDA Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Minutes –5/23/12 Special Requests/Subdivision Requests/Board Orders/Holding Tank Requests A. Board Order #EH-BO-12-8 – Taylor (Goshen Twp.) B. Board Order #EH-BO-12-9 – […]

Prevent Blindness Ohio urges public to not use fireworks
In 2010, 8,600 people were treated in emergency departments for firework-related injuries, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Fireworks Annual Report issued in 2011.

Artist Paul Jenkins, former Struthers resident, dies in New York
Paul Jenkins, a celebrated and renown abstract expressionist painter, died June 9, 2012, after a brief illness.
Campbell Police Reports: May 12 – May 17
MAY 12 • 7:01 a.m.: Two officers responded to the 700 block of Whipple regarding a kitchen motion alarm. The homeowner was on scene and the alarm was accidental. • 8:22 a.m.: Two officers went to the 600 block of Moore regarding a garage door alarm. The residence was secure on arrival. • 12:10 p.m.: […]
Struthers Police Reports: April 30 – May 4
APRIL 30 • 11:03 a.m.: A 40-year-old woman from Lowellville said she needed assistance with gaining entry into a residence that she managed in the first block of Terrace. She said the house was supposed to be vacant but she thought someone was living there. Two officers arrived and gained entry through the front door. […]

Rotary to continue “Fly the Flag” program
Members of the Struthers Rotary finished installing the latest orders for our Fly the Flag program last weekend. Flags will be taken down after Independence Day and orders will continue to be taken throughout the year.
Home Country: June 20
Home Country – Slim Randles “It’s June, by golly!” said Doc. “Isn’t it great? I mean, all the summer to look forward to. Fishing, swimming, camping, heat stroke, dehydration, skateboard accidents and the occasional case of appendicitis.” “That’s what we like about you, Doc,” Steve said, “always looking on the bright side of things.” “You […]

11- and 12-year-old baseball – Struthers Rotary 14 @ Campbell APBN Painting 6
Frank Marr Photography.