Feast of the Assumption celebrated in Campbell
Frank Marr Photography CAMPBELL – Parishioners of St. Lucy/St. Rose of Lima Church processed the statue of Mary for the annual Feast of the Assumption on Thursday, Aug. 15. According to Roman Catholic faith, the Assumption recognizes the mother of Jesus Christ being taken up to heaven at the end of her earthly life.

Brig. Gen. Muscatell to retire after 39 years
STRUTHERS – Struthers native and Air Force Brig. Gen. James Muscatell will retire Friday, Aug. 23, after 39 years of military service. He is the son of James Sr. and Margaret Muscatell of Como St. and has been a commissioned officer since he graduated from the Air Force Academy in 1979. Most recently, Muscatell has […]

Crumble’s Bakery opens at site of old school
Frank Marr Photography. BOARDMAN – Former Sen. Harry Meshel cut the ribbon at the opening of Crumble’s Bakery near the site of the former Byzantine Catholic School on Youngstown-Poland Road Thursday, Aug. 15. The bakery, which serves the public between 8:30 and 11:30 a.m. Tuesday through Friday, is operated with assistance from the No Limits program […]

Habitat for Humanity Begins Construction of Home in Struthers
Frank Marr Photography. GROUND BLESSING: Participants in Habitat for Humanity’s Ground Blessing Ceremony gathered Aug. 11 on Lincoln Avenue in Struthers to mark the beginning of construction on Habitat’s 40th home. Left to right: David Turner of First Energy; Linda Hartwig, ReStore manager; JoAnn Collins; Derrick Bell and Toni Bell; the Rev. Michael Zabel of […]

‘Sonny’ of Elmo Tire Center retires
Frank Marr Photography. Anthony “Sonny” Elmo and his wife, Jo-Ann, enjoy their company at a retirement party on Friday, Aug. 9, in Boardman. YOUNGSTOWN – Rolling them in, rolling them out: This is the typical day of work at Elmo Tire Center, a mainstay of automobile repair that has been around for the better part […]

Lowellville High School Blue and Gold Scrimmage
Frank Marr Photography FULL SPEED: The Lowellville High School Varsity Football Team held its annual Blue and Gold Scrimmage on Saturday, Aug. 10.