
Event calendar, school news and accomplishments

Struthers Elementary School Honor Roll – First Quarter 2012-13

Congratulations to the following students at Struthers Elementary School. Each student has achieved percentage scores of 80 percent or above in all five subject areas.  Those students marked with an asterisk have achieved 90 percent or above in all five subject areas. To read this story and more, please subscribe to our newspaper!

Residents head to polls for Election Day

Residents head to polls for Election Day

Frank Marr Photography. AT THE POLLS: Struthers voters cast their ballots at St. Nicholas Church’s Great Hall and the Knights of Columbus Hall on Election Day, Tuesday morning, Nov. 6.

Struthers Middle School Awards Presentation and Cat Walk

Struthers Middle School Awards Presentation and Cat Walk

Frank Marr Photography. ON DISPLAY: Struthers Middle School students had their work on display Oct. 29 for parents and friends along with the social studies class headed by eighth-grade teacher Dominic Ragazzine also had work on display for the “Colonial Booth Project” in which students created a banner, brochure, song and sales presentation to try […]

St. Nicholas School has Halloween Parade

St. Nicholas School has Halloween Parade

Frank Marr Photography.

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