Ronald M. Vasvari, 70
STRUTHERS – Services were held Monday June 25, at Kirila Funeral Home and at St. Nicholas Church for Ronald M. Vasvari, 70, who died Thursday, June 21, 2012, at St. Elizabeth Health Center. Ron passed away with his loving family at his side. He was born April 28, 1942, in Youngstown, a son of the […]

Monsignor Zuraw Celebrates 25 Years as Clergyman
Monsignor John Zuraw will celebrate 25 years as a clergyman with a Mass at 11:30 a.m., July 1, at St. Rose Church.
Home Country
Home Country – Slim Randles “Amazing,” Dud said out at the corrals the other day. Bill and I looked at him a bit strangely, because there were just two horses in the corral and neither one of them had been amazing since Ronald Reagan moved to Washington. “What’s amazing, Dud?” “Kids. What they’re doing today […]

CASTLO announces new community fund
The CASTLO Community Improvement Corporation is proud to announce the formation of the CASTLO Community Fund, a fund of The Youngstown Foundation.

11- and 12-year-old baseball – Lowellville Zarlingo 11, Lowellville Copper Zone 14
Frank Marr Photography.